
Video: Tajikistan – follow dinosaurs

July 6, 2016

Tajikistan - follow the dinosaurs from Tomáš Zbyňovský on Vimeo.

A weekend trip in amazing Tajikistan, exploring Dushanbe and local markets, hiking in Iskandarkul, sleeping next to beautiful lake Alexander and following Dinosaur footsteps in the rocks of the Shirkent valley. Organized by Trekkup Dubai. Paid by Somoni lol.

Tajikistan: Trip program

Day 1: Flight Dubai, UAE – Dushanbe, Tajikistan. Iskandarkul, Lake Alexander

Day 2: Dushanbe (Stalinabad) – Green bazaar, Rudaki park, Charki mosque and the biggest flagpole.

Day 3: Shirkent Valley – Dinosaurs footprints, Flight Dushanbe, Tajikistan – Dubai, UAE

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