
Video & Gallery: Turkmenistan – Door to Hell

October 9, 2016

Vodka, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow, horses, marble monuments, white-gold buildings, vodka, colorful dresses, different patterned scarves, vodka, an underground lake, fire, stairs, vodka, amazing people, Madam, shut! … by these words, I would simply describe our great trip to Turkmenistan.

Only in the capital, Ashgabat, which is quite a unique city, you can find white-gold buildings, monstrous statues and monuments, and many, MANY stairs. In Kov Ata, we crashed one local wedding, took a dip in the underground lake and visited the Door to Hell (Darvaza)!

During our camping in Darvaza next to the fire crater, we had the opportunity to meet young German travelers heading to India by their car, and one friendly scorpion walking around our tents. After our night camping, we were heading back to Ashgabat (approx. 4 hours by car) and continued in our “stair trekking.” I can’t forget to mention our visit to the largest mosque in Central Asia, Turkmenbashi Ruhy Mosque.

This trip was exceptional to me for many reasons; one being able to travel without my back-pack which was held in the Dubai Airport; and by this, I have realized that you don’t need too much stuff while traveling. All you need are friendly and adventurous people with you.
































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