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Video: Colorful Kite Festival, India

February 19, 2017

If you would like to get a taste of India, it is possible to make it during one weekend only! The stay will be very short but full of unforgettable moments.

We landed early morning in chilly Jaipur International Airport. We then headed directly to our hotel (for a 2 hour rest) and continued to the train station to catch a train heading towards Agra. For those who cannot sleep in public transport like me, be ready for a woo-doo mode next day, but needless to say, it’s definitely worth it.

From Agra Railway Station, we took a tuk-tuk to our second hotel. This one included a hot shower and an amazing view of the Taj Mahal. After a nice lunch, we grabbed our bikes and made a trip across local villages in the fields. We could observe the local daily life such as handicraft work. We also had the honor to meet local people and explored houses made from cow’s waste. We concluded our adventurous trip by sunset by a boat ride on the Yamuna River.

The next morning was time to explore Taj Mahal in its beauty. I was quite surprised that it wasn’t so overcrowded as I expected. In addition, the morning mist slightly covered gigantic monuments and created a magical atmosphere there. Late afternoon, we moved back to Jaipur to witness the breathtaking Kite Festival. We could see thousands of colorful kites in the air and tried to run our kites as well. I will say that it was not so easy as it looks. This incredible adventure was completed by loud dance music and celebrating people in the streets.

I really enjoyed this trip and I must tell you that it was really difficult to make this video because i collected more than 200 recordings!
Have fun and go to India!

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