
Video: Bangladesh – ship cemetery and jungle

July 12, 2016

Bangladesh - ship cemetery and lake Boga from Tomáš Zbyňovský on Vimeo.

After February in Papua and other parts of Indonesia, I joined another trekkup group for a weekend trip in Bangladesh. It might be a poor and overcrowded country from first look at it, but in fact it holds many secrets not available for the mainstream tourists. One of them is ship-breaking industry, having a really bad press in recent years and so a bit reluctant to let public hang around anywhere nearby. Would you be a fan of VLCCs, Panamax or simply Corvettes – their cemetery is an incredible sight. Later we also visited the markets of the city Chittagong as well as much calmer jungle around lake Boga with villagers of mixed religions and races.

First day in Bangladesh

Chittagong – ship breaking yards in and outside, we visited 2 of them and took a boat trip around one. Further on mixed into busy Bangladesh crowds and followed them into the bazars, shrines and railway stations.

Day 2

Out the crowd – four hours hike to Boga lake, passing the villages accesible only by the boat and enjoying some mesmerising scenery. Sometimes rugged, sometimes rural but always stunning.

Day 3

Boat trip back to Chittagong via Ruma Bazaar on lazy but magical Bandarbaan river. One to remember. Last shopping before flight…

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